Which way is the dancer spinning?

Which way is the dancer spinning?

The image simulates the rotation of a dancer. Some observers initially see the figure spinning clockwise, while others see it spinning counterclockwise.

And you, which way do you see her spinning?

If you make a little effort, you can try to reverse the direction of rotation. Try looking at the image peripherally (out of the corner of your eye) and make an effort to see it rotate in the opposite direction. With a little effort, you can achieve it! 😉

The optical illusion is called Spinning Silhouette and was created in 2003 by the Japanese designer Nobuyuki Kayahara.

According to an online survey of more than 1600 participants, approximately two-thirds of observers initially perceived the silhouette spinning clockwise. Additionally, observers who initially perceived a clockwise rotation had more difficulty experiencing the alternative.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinning_dancer